Welcome To Sporting Jewlery

Hey Everyone!

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I am starting up this page to discuss the effect of jewelry on sports today. Ever wonder why certain sports players wear jewelry at all? What does it mean?

Well we will delve into that here. For centuries jewelry has been the outward expression in any culture. It is actually universal where many would know right away what it stands for and why we wear it. It is an extension of you personality .


Man with surf board on head at beach
Man with surf board sporting a necklace

So here we see a surfer at a beach wearing a necklace that looks like it has teeth on it. Typical for a surfer dude obviously. But what is this necklace represented something more? What if each of the teeth indicated a loved one that he wanted to keep close? It is fascinating when you think of all the reasons. Of course I could ask him but I don’t know who he is.

He is also wearing a choker too. This could of been a gift from a girlfriend since it kept close and seems more prominent on display,

It could have significant value to him as it is a one of a kind necklace that no one else has one quite like it.

There are many reasons. Why do you wear jewelry when performing sports?